
Sunday Night, 11-27-05 (from Kev and Barb)

All is well here at the Latham house. We are very thankful for all the blessings that continue to brighten each and everyday. God is good all the time. Brock is doing good! Everyday he moves a little more. He has gained weight, he weighs 30 pounds. Praise the Lord!!! I think he weighed around 20-22 pounds when we came home. He has opened his eyes several times, doesn't focus on anything but we believe that will come soon. The girls are doing great, staying busy with school and as happy as ever.

We are going to take our first big trip out of Abilene. Kevin, Brock and I are going to Dallas to a conference. It is called Texas Ablaze Unlimited Anointing. We will be gone from Sunday 3PM through Wednesday night. Kevin's mom, Wes and Kacy will stay with the girls. Please keep us in your prayers and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers.
Still Standing on God's Promises,
Kevin, Barbara and Family


11-14-2005 Update on Brock

FROM Kevin and Barbara Latham on 3 yr. old son, Brock:

As you all know Brock's body temperature dropped low and he has been receiving divine rest since that time (10-11-05). Brock's Dr., discovered about that time that his white blood cell count was a bit high which looked like he an infection somewhere. Antibiotics were started and about 6 days later it was discovered that his sodium level was out of wack as well. Out of wack sodium level causes sleep and I guess, that an infection can cause all of it.

With all the associated things, the Dr was going to bring the sodium level to within normal range but was going to do it very slowly. He had several levels high and then had several days that he was just above and just below the normal ranges but November 7th his sodium level was moved into the normal range and it has remained since.
Another exciting thing is the amount of movement. He at first moved one of his feet, later, he added the other with an occasional knee flex and body twist. This progressed to the body twist, shoulder raise and then came the head turn. The head turn started slowly and very infrequently and the first witnesses to this were hardly creditable. (this is my way of confessing to being a Thomas). We have enjoyed seeing all of this now for about a week and yesterday the 9th he moved his left hand. By the way the movements must oppose gravity to be considered legit. Did I mention Thomas?

Anyway, the amount that he is moving around has us very excited. Things that he would not move a couple of months ago are now moving. There have been three occasions now that he was just moving away and I thought that he was fixing to open up his eyes and say something. I still feel the Lord impressing upon me that soon will be the time for him to wake. Not soon enough for this pile of flesh but Gods timing is perfect.

Other happenings- His temperature which has been good for sometime now has become very stable. His tolerance of his feedings is very good. His need for supplemental oxygen has been zero for the last several days. Poop-er and tee-ter working good. Blood work yesterday showed that his production of red blood cells is on the rise. They were alittle on the low side, although not low enough to worry about only low enough to make him appear alittle pale or in need of some sun.
This update has been saved in my draft mail so now I will add the latest developments.

November 14th.
We had a short stay in the emergency room Friday, that started with events on Thursday. When his physical therapist came to the house, Brock was on the couch. We moved him to the floor so that Sue, his pt, could move around him and put him in different positions. Later that afternoon, I noticed water in his ventilator tubing and I was going to drain it but I forgot. All was fine until I moved him back to the couch and poured the water into his lungs. This happened while we were in the Hospital and we had to wait it out, giving him the oxygen needed while we waited, it took about 24 hours for him to recover. Well, about 1 am Friday morning, we were giving all the oxygen we had at the house, and it was not quite enough. We took him to the hospital were he could get the amount of oxygen needed to keep his oxygen saturations in an acceptable range. The Dr took an x ray and did all the usual blood work to which he responded that he did not think that his blood work had ever looked so good. More tests were then scheduled for 3 pm Friday afternoon and if he was improving we would go home. Those tests looked good but he was still on a good bit of oxygen and that needed to come down prior to our return home. At about 6 pm, Brock needed almost no extra oxygen and the Dr gave the order for us to go home.
Since returning home all is well, he remains on the iv fluids as we increase the amounts of his feedings and should be off that this evening, (Monday night). Brock will continue on antibiotics until Friday or so just in case something is starting because of all the water going into his lungs. He continues to look great and we expect God to wake him soon and to reveal the healing power that our Father has.

Continue to press in on our behalf during your prayer time, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you.
In Him, Kevin and Barbara.


Burgundy Road for Brock

December 5th, a Christian Rock band, Burgundy Road is planning to perform and all profits go to help the family of Brock Latham. Their home page is http://www.burgundyroad.net/home.html